Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lake with Friends

We invited the Bakers and the Fares to come to the lake with us on Saturday and spend the day. We all got down there about 10 and had the whole afternoon to play. It was a lot more crowded on the boat this year with 6 adults and 7 kids but so much fun! We picked up barbeque for lunch, had snacks all day, tubed a bunch, and swam in the lake even more. The boys loved riding the four-wheelers while the girls loved having a huge yard to practice gymnastics. Halfway through the day my phone somehow switched settings and turned all the pictures blue but it doesn't fail to show the fun we had. We hope to have many more get-togethers like these...its what makes having the lake house even more fun!

All the pictures sort-of speak for themselves but these last two need a bit of an explanation. We were headed in and stopped to swim one more time in the no wake zone by the public loading dock. After swimming for a bit the kids decided they wanted  to attempt to swim all the way back to our house! I'm not sure exactly how far it is but its FAR! All the kids swam most of the way but ended up taking a little break on the boat before jumping in to swim the rest of the way. All but...David. He actually swam the entire way and never stopped. He ended up beating us all to the house and we were all pretty impressed.

We love having such great friends that we have met through Crossings! So excited to see our kids and our relationships develop in the many years to come.

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