Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Science Museum

I decided (without thinking it through) to take the kids to the Science Museum on President's Day. I have no idea why it didn't even cross my mind that with all the kids being out of school for the day most of Oklahoma City would also join us. So very crowded but I think the kids had even more fun with kids running everywhere. I managed to take some pictures with my phone but with a 4 year old running one way and a 1 year old running the other I was lucky to get a picture period.

We started out in the preschool room where Hudson stacked some big foam blocks...

...and Hadley had a cup stacking contest with another little girl.

Hudson soon found the legos...
...and thought he was one of the "big" boys!
Here is my embarrassing story of the day. So the point of the lego table is to build a car and then race it down the track (pic below) with another kids car. Hadley asked me to help her build a car and I immediately looked for instructions somewhere. No instructions to be found. I think to myself, "How hard can this be? Surely, we can figure this out." I start grabbing legos and Hadley patiently watches while Hudson is trying to break other kids cars. After about 15 minutes and no progress Hadley must have realized I was a little frustrated and failing at my task. She picks up a wheel and says in her sweet voice, "It's ok, Mommy, I will just race a wheel down the track." She grabs a handful of wheels, marches over to the track, and races her wheel against the other kids cars. She got a few annoyed looks from the 10 year old boys but at least she won a couple races. I have a lot to learn before Hudson gets a little older!

Hadley made great friends with this man while waiting in line to get her turn on the Segway. Under a certain age they are only supposed to go around the big track once but he took her over ramps, through cones,...
...and he even let her drive it by herself! She thought she was pretty awesome and told the man thank you at least a dozen times.

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