Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mr. Mischief

I have said many times before...we have to keep our eyes on this kid AT ALL TIMES!

Hudson, like all boys I am sure, loves to get into anything and everything. And if we dare tell him "no," it makes him want it that much more. Here are just a few pictures of some daily battles:

We created this first problem. When Hudson was not so mobile he loved to play on the counter. It kept him happy and passed time during fussy moments. Well, he has now discovered the faucet and screams to play in the water. He would take a cup and fill it up and dump it out for hours if we let him. One may think this is not a big deal until you realize that we cannot even walk by our kitchen island without a fit to get on the counter and an even longer fit when it doesn't happen.

Playing in the dogfood (and sometimes eating it). Hudson's favorite time of day is when we take him outside to feed the dogs. He also loves giving them treats and putting them in their kennels.
I will put Hudson on the counter with me while I do my makeup. Hadley was in the bathroom with us the other day and I turned around (with my hand on his back) to talk to Hadley for literally 1 minute and turned back around to this. Hudson decided to try on my eyeliner.
Eating crayons...
Our newest discovery. It is REALLY fun for Hudson (and really not fun for mommy and daddy) to throw anything and everything over our balcony. As long as he doesn't hurl himself, Hadley, or the dogs over I think we will survive the extra trips up the stairs to put everything back in drawers.

1 comment:

  1. TROUBLE!! Glad to know Tyler's not the only one getting into everything :)
