Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas


One last picture of the Christmas tree and presents before Santa's arrival:

Santa made his arrival and the kids were THRILLED! So when it came down to pictures or video we opted to video tape the morning so that we could capture the kids (especially Hadley's this year) reactions and screams. Therefore, I hardly have any pictures from the morning but here are just a few:

Hadley is our practical child and always wants the easiest gifts. Last year the ONLY thing she wanted was a booster car seat. Easy enough! This year...a tinkerbell sweatshirt and a barbie suitcase. She found both of these early in the fall and it never changed all the way until Christmas. Needless to say, she got way more than she needed or even asked for but it was so wonderful to see her excitement and even appreciation for all her new toys and clothes! Hudson was a little overwhelmed with his new toys in the beginning but has since started playing with all of them. Because of his love of destruction we got him lots of toys with hammers, balls, bats, etc...

After we opened all of our gifts we made our way to Lolly and Pop's house for Christmas lunch. It was much more quiet this year since it was not the year for Amy and her family and Drew and his family to come to Oklahoma. We missed them so much but still had a wonderful time celebrating Christ's birth with Lolly, Pops, Erin, Tim, and Nana! We had a fabulous lunch prepared by Lynn and enjoyed the afternoon together unwrapping gifts (spoiled once again), eating, and playing with the kids. Lolly and Pops then watched the kids for us so that Tim, Erin, Matt, and I could go to the movie together. After the movie we picked up the kids and only 2 minutes into the drive we saw this:
I am so sad that Christmas is over. Despite all the chaos, I love all the family time it brings and kids have made the holiday even more exciting. I, for one, am dreading taking the Christmas down and may be leaving it up a couple more weeks!

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