Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hudson is 15 months today

We are having a blast with this kid right now. As long as he is getting your undivided attention he is a really happy basically he is SPOILED! Hudson is learning how to throw tantrums and if he gets his mind set on something you better be prepared to hear lots of screaming until he finally gives up (or we give up)!

Hudson is a TERRIBLE eater. I have no idea how this happened but he has decided he will ONLY eat the babyfood that is in the squeezable containers. What kid would actually prefer these over table food? I am hoping we get over this phase quickly. Here are some pics in his chair as we tried to get him to eat some grapes, hotdog, etc.

He has in the past been a pretty early riser but has decided lately to sleep until 7:00 which is super late for us! We are all feeling refreshed and it is so much nicer to wake up when it is light outside than pitch black at 5:30 in the morning. Keep it up, Bubby!

Still a climber and still accident prone! Here is Hudson after climbing out of his wagon, falling face first on the concrete, and busting up his lip. Poor guy cried so hard until he finally fell asleep in his daddy's lap.

Just a few more pictures of our baby boy looking so grown-up!

One of my new favorites!!!

And this next one pretty much sums up his personality. He is happiest when he is making us laugh. He runs around acting crazy and doing anything he can to get our attention. This particular night he put this bucket on his head, we'd say, "where's hudson?," and he would crack up laughing as he took it off. This went on for several minutes!

Favorite things right now: giving hugs and kisses, throwing anything, baths, climbing up and down the stairs, balls, cars, playing with the dogs, playing outside, climbing, applesauce, chasing his sister, wrestling on the bed, wonderpets, yo gabba gabba, building blocks, drinking from straws, biting (unfortunately), shoes, watching the construction trucks drive by our house, looking at pictures when we walk down the stairs in the morning, playing pat-a-cake, playing in the car, and copying Hadley.

1 comment:

  1. How funny...he sounds a lot like Tyler! Tyler was putting a gift bag on his head and making us laugh yesterday...ha!
