Friday, December 23, 2011

Hadley's new "phone"

Hadley may be the only child on the planet who couldn't care less about our phones. Matt and I both have an iPhone and on the rare occasion Hadley asks to play with it she lasts about 5 minutes before she decides she would rather do something else. So when Matt decided to give her his old phone I thought she would say she didn't even want it. I could not have been more wrong and realized quickly we should have wrapped it and put it under the tree because her reaction was priceless.

She ran around the house screaming, "I GOT A PHONE!!!" We had to remind her several times that her phone does not actually make calls but in her imaginary world she did not care. She "talked" on her phone all night long to her friends and every couple minutes had to make sure she didn't get a text. The slept with her phone that night in case anyone had to get ahold of her and took it in her purse when we ran errands the next day. She became slightly obcessed with checking her battery life and when it went down at all she found it to be an emergency to charge it right at that moment!

So basically, she still doesn't play on it much. It has become more of a security blanket. Anytime we pull our phone out she immediately pulls hers out and checks for a missed call as well. The newness hasn't worn off yet but hoping it does soon or we will be in for it when she is a teenager!

Here are some pictures of Hadley so proud of her new phone:

And after a day of running errands she fell asleep on the couch and I found her like this:

Purse still wrapped around her shoulder and phone in her hand!


  1. Love this! Tell her to call E!

  2. E, it's a good thing it doesn't work or you would be getting a daily phone call!
