Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas with Mama and Papa

The kids woke up still excited from Christmas day. Hudson even slept in his Santa hat all night long. We had another day of celebrations and going to Mama and Papa's house. We spent the morning at home and went over to their house about 4pm. 

Mama and Papa always put on a great Christmas for the kids. Their love language is definitely gift giving and they spoil the kids way too much! Instead of the traditional Christmas dinner we did mexican food again this year. And we had way too many desserts for us to even think about eating!

The kids could hardly wait to open presents. Hadley got lots of American girl stuff. She is still crazy about it! Hudson didn't really have "a thing" this year but he got lots of legos, pokemon...boy stuff. And his big surprise this year was a ride-on toy that spins in circles. Mama and Papa surprised them by taking them out into the garage to find it. Both Buck and Hudson got one and they were a huge hit. Even Hadley will get a lot of use out of it as well!

After opening presents and playing for a little while we played Left-Right-Center...always a favorite of mine and I think everyone else's. It is crazy how we can all play now...even Gunner is playing with a little help from everyone else. There was lots of screaming, lots of blowing the dice for luck, and lots of laughing! It was the perfect end to the night. I'm not even sure who all won games...I just know it wasn't me. And I also know whichever kids won ended up splitting the money between all the kids making it that much more fun and sweet. Such a fun night and so sad its over!

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