Saturday, March 12, 2016


Erin and Tim invited us to go eat downtown and then to Winter Jam with them. Its something we had never done and I was interested to see what it was like and, of course, the kids were excited. It was Hudson's first concert and he couldn't wrap his head around what it would be like. We ate at Texadelphia first and then all walked to the Chesapeake arena. There was a huge line to buy tickets so the adults stood in line while the kids played in a grassy area and climbed trees.


Hudson was pretty entertained by all the loud music. I will say that we had only heard of about half the bands which is funny since we only have k-love playing in my car 99% of the time. But there were a lot of Christian Rap artists which is definitely something we never listen to. Although we couldn't understand a single word it was still a fun atmosphere. Then Lauren Daigle took the stage and that really caught Hadley's attention. She is one of Hadley's favorites right now!

The concert was fun. Matt bought each of the kids these foam glow sticks and candy to eat. Hadley is now 2/2 in falling asleep in concerts, and the loud music eventually got to Hudson and he was ready to go. We still had a great time and its always fun to experience something new. We definitely loved spending the evening with Erin and her family.

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