Saturday, August 1, 2015

Hudson gets his green belt

Hudson woke up excited to test for yet another belt and keep working his way up to a yellow belt. The day started off as planned and we all went to Hadley's softball practice. Hudson was playing with Oscar and they were having a great time. I was talking with the other moms and had no idea the mischief they were getting into. Oscar and Hudson decided it would be fun to throw baseballs at a wasp nest! And this nest was huge...with wasps crawling in and out of if. All of this was out of sight for me and my first sign of it was when I heard screams coming from the dugout and I saw another dad run in and then come back out carrying Hudson. The little guy had gotten stung 6 times and was letting out the most excrutiating cries I have ever heard from him! It was such a deep cry he was groaning and shaking. I immediately put him in the car and we went to Walgreen's for some wasp sting pain reliever. It seemed to work pretty quickly and we were soon home and relaxing on the couch from an eventful morning. 

Only a few hours later we were ready for our test. Hudson was still a little off-kilter but he was ready to go. We got there, he did great for his entire test, and then it was time to break the board. Matt and I could both see in his face before he even tried it that it was not going to go well. He just didn't seem to have the confidence he usually has. But he tried, didn't hit it hard enough, it didn't break, and the tears began. He said he couldn't do it and just wanted to quit. We talked through it and then he got a great pep talk from Master Lewis. He was told to try just one more time and he gave it his best. He did it and smiled so big. He was awarded his green belt and Master Lewis told him just how proud he was. Hudson is still loving Karate so much and we love how much he has matured in just 8 months!

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