Saturday, April 4, 2015

Susan's Annual Cookie decorating party

Susan had her first cookie decorating party when Hadley was 9 months old. I still remember taking her to Susan's apartment and she was the only baby there. She was passed around and showered with attention. Since then, Susan has moved away but still comes back each year to host the cookie party at her parents house. Its one of my favorite times to catch up with great college friends and let our kids play with each other.
This year, Hudson was tired from his soccer game and just wanted to hang out with dad so Hadley and I had a girl day decorating cookies. I wish I had taken a picture of all the sugar cookies on the table. Susan and her mom spend a couple days baking hundreds of sugar cookies for the day. Laura and her daughter, Haidyn, drove in from Tulsa. They just moved back from St. Louis so it was fun to see them after a couple years. Haidyn and Hadley became best friends immediately. Marianne brought her two boys, Davis and Cooper, and they were as funny as could be. These boys had us laughing so hard and I have plenty of video of them entertaining us. 

These are two of the many pictures we tried to get of all four kids. As you can see the girls were a little better at sitting still and the boys just made it a little more comical.

We had a great time seeing old friends and meeting new friends. And we also got to take home lots of yummy cookies!

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