Thursday, April 16, 2015

Spring programs

Hadley and Hudson both had their spring programs which is always one of my favorite nights of the school year. Because Hudson is still in preschool he did his on Tuesday morning in the library. There were only about 30 kids so it was a much smaller program. He did so well, just like at his Christmas program. He definitely wasn't as animated but he sang every word and smiled the whole time. He got so excited to walk around the corner and see Mama, Papa, Mommy, Daddy, Hadley, and Pops all there to watch him sing! I loved hearing their sweet little voices singing their hearts out and praising Jesus. I can't believe how much Hudson has grown up since he started school. He is so much less shy and loves the attention of being on stage. He was still getting over his swollen eyes and allergy attacks so, sadly, he cried when it was over and time for me to head to work. It was hard to leave but Ms. Kristin sent me a picture of him playing and laughing right after I left! 

Hadley's program was Thursday evening. This ended up being my favorite program yet! They sang some great songs and the kids did so well! It is amazing how much the school has grown in the 3 years we have been here. It is always easy to see when everyone is standing on stage. Hadley is such a performer and loves this night as well. She gets up there and does all the hand motions and you can always hear her sweet voice singing as loud as she can. This year brought tears to my eyes when they harmonized "Amazing Grace" and did such a good job. I feel so blessed to be able to have the kids in this school where they can praise Jesus at any and all school related events!

Hadley and some sweet friends before the program:

Some pictures of her lining up and singing. She is still as animated as ever and I love it!

Hadley and her teacher, Ms. Mehlhaff. I am going to miss her so much next year! I can't believe 1st grade is already almost over.

Of course, Hudson had to get a picture with his fans. He LOVES when they call his name and come give him hugs and high fives.

Hadley and her music teacher, Mrs. Fisher. She does such an excellent job with the programs each year and this one was probably my favorite. She is having a baby this summer and won't be back so we will sure miss her!

After the program Hadley left for Braums with her friend, Kate. We were meeting her there but while we were gathering everyone up I got this picture of the three boy cousins. Such a cute trio! We ended up going to Braums to celebrate with what seemed like the rest of Crossings and had a great time. Such a fun night!

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