Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentine's parties

The kids Valentines parties fell on the same day as their school pictures this year so finding an outfit I liked for both was tricky. They were both so excited for picture day and Hudson was happy to wear his new bow tie. Hadley was mainly just happy about not having to wear a uniform!  I took a couple pictures of the kids before we left for school. 

Hudson's party was first at 11:00. He was so proud to show me his "love" sign he made for Matt and me. They got to do a craft and had some yummy cupcakes and juice. The teachers made the smart decision to wait on opening their valentines until they got back home. Having 16 4-year olds is probably hard enough so to add more excitement and sugar to the mix seems a little disastrous! Hudson was a little sad when it was time for me to go but we still had a great time and I love spending some time with him up at school.

I ran some errands for a few hours and then headed back up to school for Hadley's Valentines party. Theirs fell at the end of the day so her teacher had no problem feeding them cupcakes and letting them tear into their goodies! I provided the craft for the party which was a little animal they got to design with cotton balls and stickers. I love Hadley's class so much and sure will miss all these kids being together next year. I also love that Hadley gets so excited to have me there with her. I'm not sure how many more years I will get of that but I am sure eating it up while I can.

Straight home from school and going through all their bags of goodies!

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