Friday, October 11, 2013

Science Museum

We were all so excited for Fall break and I couldn't wait to spend the day with Hadley and Hudson. I took off work so we could do something fun and we decided on the Science museum with Ryan, Lisa, Peyton, Buck, and Gunner. This was Gunner's first big outing! Hadley was up bright and early and ready to go. Poor girl had to wait until 10:30 before Hudson finally woke up and we could leave. We made it and the museum was pretty crowded. The kids still had a blast running around chasing each other and seeing as much as they possibly could. We ate lunch and walked around some more. After a couple hours Buck and Gunner needed a nap so they left and I stayed with Peyton, Hadley, and Hudson for a couple more hours. By the end of the day I was exhausted and realized I should have brought a stroller for Hudson. However, I was just so excited to make it out of the Science Museum with not a single meltdown! Pretty impressive for three really tired kids...

You can barely see the kids faces in the computer screen but Hadley and Hudson climbed in this space ship simulator and the man would talk to them through a computer as they were leaned back. They both got out of the machine thinking they had really been moving. So fun and I kind-of wanted to give it a try!

Hudson liked this tornado chamber for about 10 seconds and then the wind got too strong and he panicked. I have a pretty funny video of his face changing from pure joy to pure fear!

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