Saturday, April 27, 2013

Zoo trip...

...and with daddy this time!

We woke up to what was supposed to be a beautiful Saturday morning and decided to go to the zoo for the day. Thankfully, we had packed a couple coats in the car because it turned out to be really cold. So the predicted 77 degrees became 52 degrees. We still had a fun time together and minus a major temper tantrum from Hudson, the kids were great!

The reason I have a slight anxiety attack when anyone else takes them to the zoo:

Hudson thinks he is a monkey and will scale just about anything.

Hudson's favorite animal (this time) was the rhinoceros. He did not want to leave and when we finally convinced him to go see the lions he had to yell "BYE!!!" the entire time he walked away.

This picture turned out pretty terrible but the gorilla was lying right in front of the window and just stared at us. Hudson wouldn't get very close but Hadley loved talking to him through the window. The gorillas are always Hadley's favorite animal to see.

Running down the hill after seeing the elephants. I can't believe I forgot to take a picture but all the elephants were out today and swimming. I guess I never realized an elephant could swim but it was pretty fun watching them do flips in the water.

And we made it to the kids favorite part of the zoo....the carousel. I always use this as bribery for good behavior because they would be devastated if they didn't get to ride!

We had so much fun with daddy (even in the cold). Looking forward to many more zoo trips now that BOTH kids can finally enjoy seeing all the animals!

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