Saturday, April 6, 2013

Matt and Hadley's first daddy/daughter dance

Hadley had her first Daddy/Daughter dance at Rose Creek and it brought tears to my eyes! We told her about the dance about a month ago when I bought her dress for her and she has asked several times since how much longer it was because she just couldn't wait! That morning was pure torture for her. She had to go to soccer, take a bath, curl her hair, and then just wait patiently for 6:00. Finally, it was time to go and I went a little picture crazy before she walked out the door with her daddy. Thankfully, we gladly posed for all of them as well as coming up with a few poses herself!

She makes my heart skip a beat!

One of her poses. I showed this to her the next day and she said, "well...I really don't think that was the best idea." haha

These two are such incredible blessings in my life! They both adore each other SO much and Hadley is absolutely CRAZY about her daddy.

I had to take this picture as a height reference over the next few years.

Ready to go!

Hadley made this stepping stone for us this year and she wanted to take a picture putting her hand in the stone.

Another Hadley pose...

Lexi and Tim came over for a few pictures before they all left for the dance. Hadley and Lexi had so much fun dancing all night with each other and all the other girls.

Sweet cousins!

Leaving for the dance...and making sure that the girls know that boys should ALWAYS open the door for them.

Aunt E followed the Dads and the girls up to the clubhouse so she could take pictures of them getting their corsage's. 

Daddy and Hadley outside the clubhouse. They are ready to go in and dance the night away!

Matt said Rose Creek put on a great night. They had food and a DJ and all the kids danced ALL night long. He said Hadley spent most of the night watching the older girls dance and then trying to copy their moves.

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