Friday, October 19, 2012

We are getting a visit from the Tooth Fairy!

Hadley lost her first tooth!

Right around the time Hadley turned 5 we noticed her tooth was a little loose. Then about a month ago her permanent tooth started growing in behind her baby tooth. Working in a pediatric office we literally see at least one parent a day panicked about their child having an extra row of teeth. Thankfully, I have given the speech a million times that it is normal (50%) of the time, and the tongue will push the tooth right back in place as soon as the baby tooth falls out so there was no need to panic when it happened to Hadley. Anyway, it still made me anxious to get the tooth out!

So Monday I could have sworn the tooth was loose enough to come out and I talked Hadley into letting me pull it. I was SO wrong! I grabbed ahold of it, did one quick jerk, and came out empty handed leaving a little trickle of blood coming down Hadley's lip. She screamed, cried, and told me not to touch it ever again. I felt horrible but watching it flap every time she breathed (now) made me start talking her into it once again. So Friday we tried again. I told her I was scared it would fall out during her soccer game and we would lose it so she decided to give me another chance. This time I barely even touched it and it fell out in my hand. She didn't even know it had come out and had the biggest, proudest smile as soon as I showed it to her. She couldn't quit smiling all night and was so proud of herself.

Hadley was very excited to put her tooth in her tooth pillow and place it beside her bed. And the next morning she was even more excited when she saw the tooth fairy had left her a note, some money, a toothbrush, and mouthwash...all for her first tiny tooth.

It was so fun to experience the tooth fairy with Hadley but I am a little emotional that she is growing up so fast and already losing her teeth. Just another one of the many reminders that we need to make the most of all this time we have with our kids at each particular age.

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