Sunday, October 28, 2012

Storybook Forest

We went to the storybook forest at Lake Arcadia to do some trick-or-treating with Lexi, Jase, Kellen, Kinley, and Kase. We got there a little bit before trick-or-treating and made our own tailgate at a picnic table with chili and desserts. It was so cold but the kids still had a great time. 

Hadley had church and then a birthday party so when it was time to head out there she was exhausted. A quick nap in the car seemed to do the trick. 

Just arriving and since we were the last to get there everybody was ready to take some pics. Lolly and Pops stopped by for a little bit to see all the kids dressed up.

Cutest Batgirl I have ever seen!

Hudson was NOT happy about his costume. He screamed for about the first 10 minutes of us putting it on and then seemed to finally give up. Therefore, the mask that went with the costume was not even a possibility! Thankfully, as soon as he realized he was about to get a bucket full of candy he decided it wasn't worth the fight and quickly forgot about having a costume on.

Spiderman and Batgirl eating some chili and cupcakes.

Hudson decided it was easier to not use his hands and just lick the icing off instead.

Me and my little spiderman

Sending out his webs...or just screaming because he didn't want us taking pictures.

Hadley and Lexi.

The storybook forest has many stops set up where popular nursery rhymes and stories are told. The kid can listen to the story, read about it, or in our case...walk up and get the candy and quickly head to the next story. I didn't blame them because I was freezing! This was Hadley's favorite, of course. She is just crazy about Rapunzel.

My two favorite men in my life!

Big sis was so good at helping Hudson get candy in his bucket. She would even help him pick out what  he wanted first.

Hudson would have worked all night at getting this sword out of the stone. Poor guy was not giving up and had to be peeled away and was not happy about it.

Checking to see if I am going to put a limit on how much candy he takes!

So day number two of getting a bucket full of Halloween candy and it's not even Halloween yet! We were all cold and ready to go home by the end of the night but still had a great time. Here's to picking a warmer evening next year...

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