Saturday, October 6, 2012

Soccer star

This is Hadley's second year to play soccer and we were anxious to see if she would like it better this year.  Last spring we asked her if she wanted to play again and were met with a quick "No, I want to dance instead!" So we took the spring off and towards the end of summer she decided she wanted to give it one more try. So Hadley and Holland were signed up on the same team again and we had no idea what to expect (other than just hoping she would get on the field). 

Hadley before her first game. We hadn't gotten our jersey yet because we were supposed to pick it up at the field. I remembered my camera for the first game but forgot that I had taken the battery out so unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures. Hadley did love playing though and even liked it so much that she wanted to pull out the soccer ball at home and practice kicking it with daddy. 

Game 2...ready to go and so stinkin' cute!

It was absolutely freezing this game and drizzly on top of that so Hadley was not thrilled about playing. Matt and I told her the only way she would warm up would be to run very fast.

So she did. And all of a sudden it was like everything clicked! She went in after the ball, stole it away, and dribbled it all the way down the field for a goal. Mommy and daddy and the rest of her fan club cheered and you could see the excitement in her face. She could not stop smiling!

And then she did it again!

Getting a high-five from the coach!

So proud...

Getting a little break and watching her teammates while trying to warm up on Mama's lap. Sweet girl was so cold but there was NO way she was going to stop now!

More high-fives and ending the game with 4 goals!!! We are so proud of her. She tried her best and I absolutely loved seeing her so happy.

I just LOVE this picture! Looking pretty intimidating in her kitty cat snow hat!

Hadley was so excited that even Lexi, Jase, Tim, and Lexi and Jase's grandma and grandpa came to watch her play. She had quite the fan club this game including Mama, Papa, Peyton, and Ryan as well. 

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