Saturday, March 10, 2012

Seeking Sissy

Hudson truly misses Hadley whenever she is gone. He looks for her first when he wakes up from his nap and if you ever ask him, "Where's sissy?" he walks all over the house looking for her. He loves sitting in the carpool line at preschool and watching for her make her way out to the car.
Cheesy grin when he thinks he sees her:

Yep...definitely her!
Maybe he loves her so much because she dotes over him all the time! She chases him, feeds him, plays trucks with him, rolls balls back and forth, dresses him, and tickles him until he laughs so hard he almost cries:

But the nightly baths are my favorite time! They sing, splash, laugh, and share toys. Here they are in the bathtub the other night when Hudson insisted on sitting in Hadley's lap during bathtime. She loved it as much as he did!

These two make my heart skip a beat EVERY SINGLE day!

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