Monday, March 26, 2012

Our perfect weekend

We had the most fabulous weekend at the lake and exactly what all of us needed! With kids getting older and our schedules getting more crazy, we sometimes forget to sit back and relax sometimes. The lake, thankfully, reminds us how to do that. We made it down to the lake Friday as soon as we were done with work. Hadley, of course, had been asking when we were leaving all week and Hudson had no idea what he was in for. He hasn't been to the lake in nice weather since he was barely under 1 so we knew he would have such a great time. We never got the boat out (the water is still a little low at our dock) but there was no need. The kids had more than enough fun playing in the water (which was freezing to me), riding four-wheelers, cooking out, making smores, playing on the swingset, chasing squirrels, fishing, and chasing each other around. I was happy to actually make it out the door with my camera only to find I had left the charger at home and the battery was dead. Oh well, I would have probably wasted too much time taking here they are from my phone instead:

Just arriving and already in the water. Friday night Hadley (4), Hudson (1), Peyton (6), Lexi (7), Jase (7), Kade (4), Emma (7), Cooper (2), Anna Mae (6), and Luke (8) loved playing outside and getting sand and dirt all over their bodies. Cooper, Anna Mae, and Luke had to leave that evening. Their family just bought a lake house across the cove so we are excited to have even more kids around this summer. With Erin and Tim's house right next door the rest of the kids only left each other's sides to go to bed.

Also Friday evening, we had a baby squirrel/chipmunk (the jury is still out on this one) come right up next to us as we were talking on our deck. My brother put on a glove on and picked it up but we realized quickly it was nice and no glove was needed. I could still not be convinced to touch it but it sure was cute in everyone elses hands.

Hudson loved the little squirrel!

Late Friday night Ryan released the squirrel into the woods only to have it follow him back. One more attempt to release even further in the trees and this time it stayed. However, day 2 it came back...with friends. Two more baby squirrels (only one would let anyone hold him) and they pretty much hung around the rest of the weekend. Peyton ended up taking "Justin Bieber" home with her and they bought him a cage and hammock. Unfortunately, Justin died just a few days later.

Next day...more playing in the water. This time, complete muddy messes! Who knew you could swim in Oklahoma in March? And yes, after a torrential rain, the water was so brown!

Time for some four-wheeler rides. With 4 child four-wheelers, 1 adult one, 1 polaris, and 1 razer, it went from being serene and peaceful to loud and feeling like we were at Little Sahara! So much fun and since the water is low right now we had quite a sand bar to ride on. There were lots of trails in the woods behind my parents house when they built it and Erin and Tim cut out trails behind their house so we could have spent the entire day on the four-wheelers. I think I can guess what Hadley will be wanting for her next birthday...

Getting geared up.

First time on a four-wheeler!

Hadley and Lexi are on the four-wheeler in the front and Peyton and Emma are on the back one.
Hadley and Lexi...

Hudson needed a turn on the Polaris. No four-wheelers for him yet!

Lexi and Hudson walking down to the water.

One of my favorites! These kids were pretty hyped up on sugar...

Sweeping the porch:
Lots of relaxing!!!
Home and EXTREMELY worn out! This weekend made me so excited for this summer and the fun we will have together!

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