Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hudson is 7 Months old!

Another month has flown by....

This has been a major milestone month and it has been fun (if I block out the sleepless nights from him having a cold).

-He is sitting up so well and is much happier since this accomplishment. He loves to sit and play with his toys.
-Crawling everywhere! We went from a scoot to realizing he can move his hands too and he took off. He does still get pretty irritated when he can't get to a toy fast enough.
-Pulling up. How in the world did he figure this out so soon? Bring on the bumps and bruises because he is already an accident waiting to happen.
-He loves table foods. Forget babyfood! He eats it and we actually haven't found one he doesn't like but it takes him forever and he gets irritated. But put an apple in his hand and he is happy as can be. He also likes pudding, puffs, and mum-mums.
-And the best milestone of the month...KISSES! Big, open-mouthed, slobbery kisses ALL THE TIME! Pretty fun to come home to when you've been working all day.

16 lbs as of this morning.
Still 10% but he is getting some chub so he must have not grown in length much this month.
We didn't even try to measure because he WILL NOT lay still long enough.

I have said before but I still can't believe how different our two kids personalities can be. Hadley was a little more serious and Hudson smiles at everything. She was a little bit better sleeper and loved to go down for a nap where Hudson doesn't like to go down but once he is asleep he sleeps great. Hadley was content to relax in your lap where we pass many hours pacing the floor with Hudson because if we stop he screams! With Hadley being our first I don't think we realized how lucky we were that she was so laid-back. We never baby-proofed a thing. She has markers, scissors, and paint pens in reach in her playroom and we have never even worried about it. If you tell her not to do something she usually won't. Hudson is already into everything. He loves to make loud noises and bang things. He pushes everything off the counter and makes a mess with his food. He will keep us busy...and I love it, because isn't that what boys are all about?

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