Friday, October 20, 2017


Annual knight walk fundraiser where the kids get donations and then walk around the track at the football field. Parents will sometimes go up as well to watch the kids and/or walk with them. The high schoolers walk with the younger kids to make it fun for them. 

Hudsons grade was first. Hudson was so excited when a couple football players came up to walk with him and Beau. Hudson's face completely lit up every time they would talk to him! He wanted me to come walk with him so bad but as soon as the football players were there he totally left me behind! Ha!

The fourth graders watched and danced in the stands while waiting for the other grades to finish.

Hudson with his buddies:  Creighton, Hudson T, Andrew, and Beau.

4th graders turn. Hadley and her friends: Clara, Lottie, Claire, Kate, and Emmy with one of the high school cheerleaders. They are loving being the oldest this year in the lower school. It was fun to watch them walk the track giggling and having the best time...they didn't get nearly as excited about having the older girls there.

That evening we went to the Knight Walk carnival and I lost my kids in about 2 seconds. They ran off with friends and I'm not sure I saw more than a few glances of them the rest of the night. Therefore, no pictures (except of Hadley's chalked hair). We got home and the kids were exhausted from their day. A little movie to settle and they didn't even change clothes when they got in bed!

Hudson's half smile makes it look posed but they were truly asleep. I had gone upstairs to check on them before bed and had to take a picture. I'm not sure if it was the flash that made him smile a bit but I thought it was so cute.

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