Saturday, March 29, 2014

Visiting Grandma

Great-Grandma Adams has had a rough couple months with some heart problems, a horrible case of shingles, and some other setbacks. She is in a nursing home and though she is improving she is pretty down and I felt like taking the kids to visit would really lift her spirits. She lives just east of the lake so we decided to head down early in the day to play at the lake for a bit and then we would go visit Grandma, eat dinner in town, and head back home. 

The water is soooo low right now! We sure have a lot of beach which is great for all of Hudson's digging and made a great place for us to practice playing catch with Hadley. 

One of my favorite spots! Love coming to the lake and being forced to give up technology, chores, errands, and just relax.

The little queen being carried into her castle....

After the kids were worn out and tired of playing outside we made the drive on over to Great-Grandmas. She is in such a clean nursing home that actually smells decent so its a pretty pleasant visit. The kids, of course, love playing in her wheelchair and seeing all the fun stuff in her room.

Hadley drew the picture that is behind grandma's head to make her feel better. It is a picture of her house so she can look at it while she gets better. Such a sweet girl!

After visting grandma for a little bit she was ready to rest and it was time for us to go. We decided to go to Van's pigstand for dinner. As we were eating Hudson looked up and saw the big wild hog on the wall. He was very intrigued and kept looking at it. After a few minutes he said, "Me want to go outside to see his body."

Grandma is progressing well and hopes to go home soon. It really seemed to make her day to see the kids and it was such a fun day to get away for a little bit and go visit her!

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