Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hadley's birthday blessing

Because of having a summer birthday, Hadley gets to celebrate her 1/2 birthday at school! Crossings makes a really big deal out of birthdays and they love to celebrate the blessings that God has gifted us. Each Thursday in chapel they have Birthday Blessings. The birthday kid gets to stand up in front of all the other kindergarten students and their teachers and principal say something special about them. It was such a special time that brought tears to my eyes. Daddy took off work so that he could be there for her blessing as well!

When we arrived at school Hadley got to color a birthday crown and was able to wear it all day. She had talked about this several times the day before. She was so excited to color a crown instead of doing the class project everyone else had to do...

A little time at centers before going to Chapel.

Hadley with the other birthday blessing kiddos.

Miss Debbie and Hadleys teacher, Mrs. Burshek, had such wonderful things to say. They complimented her in so many ways stating that she was always happy and easy going but their favorite quality was her compassion towards others. They said she always wants to help people and be their friend. She just  wants to be friends with everyone! I can say that of all qualities this is at the top for what I would want for my daughter. I love that I can confidently send her to school knowing that she will be sweet to others and a light in their lives. She has grown so much this past year and we are so blessed by the young girl she is becoming!

Helping lead worship songs...

Hadley was so happy and surprised that Peyton got to come to her birthday blessing as well. Peyton's teacher let her leave class to come celebrate in chapel and then go back to Hadley's classroom for a cookie.

I don't have a picture because we were recording it instead but when we got back to class the kids all formed a circle with Hadley sitting up by her teacher. Mrs. Burshek asked who would like to pray for Hadley and several rose their hands. She picked Clara, Mary Beth, and Charlotte to say a prayer. It was so amazing to hear these sweet little voices praying for God to give Hadley a happy birthday, and to keep her healthy, and to have a great day. And each one thanked Him for giving them a good friend. She has some amazing friends and we are so thankful!

And what all the kids were waiting for....COOKIES! Mama bought some really cute birthday cake cookies from the cookie princess and they were pretty tasty too!

Happy Half Birthday, Hadley! We love you so, so much!

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