Saturday, January 11, 2014

Growing up

There are times where I just look at the kids playing and realize how quickly they are growing up. They are becoming less dependent on my attention every second and can entertain themselves pretty well. They play great together (most of the time) and have full conversations now. This particular day I walked in to them playing with play-doh and Hudson had convinced Hadley to make him a dinosaur. 

Smiling because he was playing with the candle, like he had been told not to several times already.

And pouting because I obviously didn't think it was funny and told him no once again. Meanwhile, Hadley is still working hard to make him a dinosaur while he goofs around.

Finished product. They decided on a dragon instead and thats why it has wings.

Giving sissy a hug for all her help.

Hadley was done with that and decided to go play with some dolls. Hudson said he wanted to cut some paper so I got him some scissors and paper to practice with. He has pretty good hand-eye coordination and can do pretty great with scissors.

And just a couple more pictures to show this little guy getting bigger. He decided he wanted scrambled eggs for dinner but insisted on making them himself. Daddy had to oversee the whole project and step in a couple times but he actually did most of it himself. He wants to be even bigger than he is!

The days are long but the years are short! Seems to be our motto right now with the terrible threes in full effect. We have lots of tantrums and attitudes but Hudson still manages to bring so much light to our life. It is really fun watching him grow!

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