Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Adams' Family Thanksgiving

Today became the first of two days of lots of eating and family time! We celebrated Thanksgiving with my family today, the day before Thanksgiving. After spending the morning getting ready, making salads, and relaxing at home, we loaded up in the car and headed over to Mama and Papa's house. Unfortunately, our sweet girl was worn out before we even made it there and I looked back in the backseat to see her out cold. 

She slowly woke up by watching a movie with Peyton when we got to Mama and Papa's house.

Hudson was being his typical stinker self and did not want me to take a picture of him. I had to be sneaky to at least get this one of him hiding under the table.

Our family picture went just about as well with Hudson squirming to get away.

Chad, Jackson, Truman, and Audrey came over for a little while to visit and play. The kids all went back to the playroom and from the living room we heard lots of laughing, screaming, and even slamming doors. I went back to the room for a few minutes to take some pictures of the kids but I was quickly told that this was a kids-only room!

Hadley took a little break from the big kids to hold her baby cousin, Gunner. She is so sweet with him and loves to cuddle him and get some smiles!

He thought if he pretended to be asleep then I wouldn't be persistent with the camera.

I really feel like Matt is a baby-whisperer when it comes to getting a baby to sleep. We laughed about the memories of having a little baby. He said, "this brings back memories of my arm being on fire but still refusing to move because I didn't want to wake Hudson up." Hudson literally had to be bounced to sleep while pacing the house and once we would finally get him asleep we would do just about anything to keep him that way!

We tried to get a cousin picture but this was the best we got. We were able to get 6 of the 7 but there was one little guy that refused to get in the picture....

...obviously, it was this one!

But as all the other kids began winding down Hudson decided to start showing off his push-up skills. This kid can do some pretty incredible push-ups and loves to show everybody how its done.

Somehow, I went all night without getting a single picture of everybody eating or all the food. However, we had a great traditional Thanksgiving dinner and loved everyone being together. I feel like each year another kid is added to the mix and it just gets a little more hectic and a lot more fun!

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