Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Girly Girl

As all of my friends and family know, I have always been a jeans and t-shirt girl. I love to dress up but when around the house, I am most often in pajama pants and t-shirts. I wear very little make-up and if I didn't have to straighten my hair I would consider myself very low maintenance. My daughter, however, is the complete opposite and I love it! Where it came from, I have no idea. From the time she started walking she was obsessed with shoes. She is a little bit shy but at 18 months if she saw someone wearing shoes she liked she would try to get them off their feet and put them on. This can be quite embarrassing when it happens at the mall...twice! Here are some older pictures when we first realized we had a fashion queen...

18 Months old:

2 years old:
3 years old and getting a pedicure the day before Hudson was born.

She has always wanted everything to match. She loves wearing dresses, shoes, bows and jewelry. She wants to watch me put on make-up and fix my hair. She asks me questions about what each thing is and she will repeat the word until she knows it by heart. She puts a bow, or lately a headband, in her hair first thing in the morning and picks out jewelry to match her outfits. And every time she gets dressed she has to run to her daddy to get approval.

Lately she has started a new habit each night and it makes me laugh every time I see it. Before Hadley goes to bed she goes upstairs and picks out the outfit she wants to wear the next day. Then...she lays the outfit out on the floor just as it will look on her. Headband, shirt, panties, pants, socks, and shoes! Here is her outfit last night:

Yes, we have a girly girl. But as impressed as I am that she can coordinate so well, we have an important task at hand. It is our job to make sure that Hadley knows that beauty comes from the inside. That dressing up is fun and we all want to look pretty but what makes her so beautiful to us is her sweet demeanor. How she has sensitive feelings for others and wants to be friends with everybody. She notices when people are sad and she wants to make them happy. Her teachers tell us she always listens in class and is the first to help. She loves her baby brother and hates to hear him cry. She is such a blessing to us daily, and for this blessing we pray that she will always be beautiful, but particularly on the inside...

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