Friday, May 4, 2018

Oklahoma Memorial Field Trip

Field trip with my girl. I have been looking forward to this one because I heard its so great and I haven't been to the Memorial since its been remodeled and more stuff added. It really was a wonderful field trip and we all learned so much about day...including a room where an actual recording of the bombing was played. It was very emotional. It is still so crazy to me that our kids will hear all about that day but it is something I will remember my whole life. The volunteers did do such a wonderful job trying to convey those feelings to the kids though. 

First we learned all about structures and how buildings are now built with better reinforcements to withstand events like earthquakes, tornados, and even bombs. All the students got to build virtual buildings. 

It was a beautiful day outside to walk around the grounds. We saw the chairs representing each person that died in the bombing and thats when I think it hit Hadley the most. It really shook her up to see all the childrens chairs.

I loved this field trip. Hadley was right by my side the whole time and really wanted to learn about everything. I am so glad I was able to go on this trip with her!

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