Thursday, May 17, 2018

4th Grade Graduation

I just don't even know how it is possible that Hadley is done with her lower school years. There are times it feels like she just started Kindergarten!!! This has been a really hard year for me. I think "lasts" are harder than "firsts" for me. The last Christmas party, the last music program, the last birthday blessing have made me long for another year in lower school. But I am so thrilled to watch Hadley grow up and I think she is the absolute most precious, sweet girl there is. So it is no surprise that this day was hard as well. I got to watch my little girl walk across the stage and be presented with her 4th grade graduation diploma!  They played a slide show of pictures and it was fun to watch all her friends grow throughout the years. Here are some pictures from our morning. Hudson got ahold of my camera for the first couple pictures! 

From the first day of 1st grade to the last of 4th grade!

After the graduation the Rouse's had a swim party for all the 4th grade girls at their house. They all got the afternoon off school and had such a great time together!

On to bigger and better things....I'm excited for the adventures that Middle School will bring!

1 comment:

  1. I would fuck her so hard she would have bruises and scratches
