Saturday, March 10, 2018

More dance and another Karate Tournament

We had a crazy weekend and I'm so thankful for this amazing village of people standing behind us to make it run more smoothly. Hudson had his first Karate tournament in a couple years and he was so excited to get to compete again. He has been working so hard but we knew this was going to be a tough one because he is so young at such a high level. Hadley had her 2nd dance competetion as well....across town. She completely understood that since Hudson only gets to do this once every couple years we would go watch him and as soon as it was over we would rush over to watch her! She was so sweet about it and more upset that she wouldn't get to watch Hudson too. Mama didn't want her to be alone so she went with Hadley to watch the one dance we knew we would miss. We would then meet her down there so her whole family could be there to watch. 

I got Hadley ready, drove her to Rose State, and stayed with her until I needed to leave to go watch Hudson compete. Then Lottie's mom helped her get dressed and ready for the two dances I missed. I was so thankful to get pictures from each one so I could see her smiling face. 

After I left her sweet friend, John Paul showed up to watch her dance. His dad is deployed right now, his mom has three kids to get places, and I thought it was so nice for them to take the time to come watch her dance. It completely made her day! 

Hudson's tournament was even harder than he expected. You can see by his face in the first picture how absolutely terrified he was. He had practiced so hard and had it down but when it was his turn to show his forms he panicked a little and forgot some steps. I could see the tears in his eyes and it was so painful to see him stand up there and not win a trophy. He came back to the seat defeated and sad and it just took some time to get him pumped up and ready for his sparring contest!

 Hudson ended up getting 3rd place in sparring as the youngest one of 8 kids. Something he should be SO proud of. He was disappointed at first but didn't take long for him to realize how amazing he had done. And I think it gave him motivation to keep going and keep trying!

After the tournament Will Baker went with us to watch Hadley finish up dancing and then he came back to our house to spend the night. It was a fun busy weekend but absolutely worth the memories made!


  1. Yup dress her in all the skimpy stuff and put her in the backseat nothing could happen

  2. Smooth pretty pussys
