Sunday, September 24, 2017

Jr Company pictures

Hadley had her first Jr. Company pictures today and it was a mess! They have everyone get there the same time, stand in the hot wind, and the wait in line for pictures. We were there at the beginning but they did Hadley's group last and then she was busy talking and ended up at the back of the line. When Hadley and Lottie were about 30 people away from their individual pics they decided to take a break and get the group shots done so people could start leaving. Ugh! We just kinda laughed through it though and by the time she was up she was a sweaty, windblown mess. Needless to say, the pictures I got myself ended up being better than anything we could have bought. 

I love these sweet girls and their friendship. So beautiful, inside and out.

And then there is this....and my heart breaks. 3 years apart. Why do these babies have to grow up so fast???

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