Friday, September 8, 2017

Hudson's 7th Birthday party

Hudson had the hardest time deciding on where he wanted his birthday party this year but finally landed on Main Event. We picked the party package that included bowling, laser tag, and a money card for games. I took him to Eileen's cookies to pick out his cookie cake and cracked up when he decided on a guitar. It was maybe the last thing I would have expected him to pick but he was so excited for it! Having a birthday party at the beginning of a school year is hard. You want to invite all you friends you made last year but now you have a whole new class of friends that you want to invite as well. Basically, we just ended up with a great big party! Hudson had so much fun. They parents got to sit around and relax with each other and the kids ran around like maniacs. I was exhausted and had no voice by the end of the night. Hudson won his group of bowling which made for a happy birthday boy! He was all smiles, did a great job playing with each friend and making them feel welcome, and loved every bit of his party. The kids definitely loved the laser tag the most. We had a great time and I am thankful for all these friendships he is making! Happy 7th Birthday, Hudson!

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