Sunday, October 2, 2016

First kid pitch tournament

Here we go! We are done with machine pitch and have moved on to kid pitch. Our team really had no intentions of doing tournaments this fall and just use it as a learning season to get ready for the spring. But they have gotten so little competition and the girls just really wanted to try it out. The coaches signed us up for a tournament in Del City. Mama and Papa brought the RV again and it worked out so well to have them there and a place to rest in between games. We got to the ball park a little early to help get all set up and play while Hadley and her team warmed up...

Pictures in between games. How fun does this look? People ask if we really like doing tournaments and I can truly say I love it. Its hard when the whole weekend is taken up but we love the time we get to spend together. We love the other families on the team and the girls all get along great and have so much fun together. We are able to spend time together as a family and we love being able to support Hadley in something she loves to do. And two of Hudsons best friends have sisters on the team as well so he he always loves going to the games and having someone to play with!

The best Mama and Papa. They hardly miss anything! They love watching the kids in all their activities and the kids really appreciate them being there. They work hard to provide lunch for everyone and Mama always goes overboard with food and snacks. We are so very thankful for all they do for us and the kids.

Cheers for finishing our first tournament. The girls played well considering it was their first tournament in kid pitch. They learned a lot and there are several different rules with this new level of play. We only won 1 game but we were happy with just winning that! Really proud of these girls!

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