Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Poor Baby!

I spoke too soon by claiming we have the healthiest kids!

We have had a strange last month. It started about 3 weeks ago with a VERY fussy baby. He wanted to be held, then wanted down, then up and so on...crying no matter what we did. The only thing that would consistently make him happy was going outside. He was pulling on his ears and screaming during the night. He had no fever, no runny nose, and no cough. I thought surely an ear infection (even thought he hadn't even been sick) and took him to the doctor. Nope....clear ears. So we took him home and I continued to think I was crazy for "knowing" something was wrong.

Fast forward a couple weeks with a baby that is still crying constantly and still showing no symptoms other than pulling at his ears. Finally, on Saturday we were at home when suddenly Hudson couldn't walk, crawl, or hardly sit up. We could tell he was so dizzy. So we took him to the afterhours clinic where they determined he had ALOT of fluid in his ear from, most likely...allergies. SERIOUSLY, he has been hurting for 3 weeks and I was probably just making it worse every time I took him outside. I am still not convinced its allergies but either way the dose of steroids has helped and a daily dose of Claritin is being given as well. We are well on our way to a happy baby again and that makes for happy parents too! We finally got a full nights sleep last night and I don't feel like I have a newborn all over again!

Here are some pictures during one of my "sick days" with Hudson while Hadley was at school. Not the most accurate because I was actually able to get some smiles for some of the pictures...

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