Thursday, September 1, 2011


Is it possible he can already be one? Wasn't he just born a couple months ago?

This past year has been such an incredible adventure. We have two children with completely different personalities and it has been so much fun seeing Hudson develop into a sweet, rambunctious, loud, ACTIVE toddler. Anyone that has spent much time with him knows I am not exaggerating when I say he is the most incredible climber I have ever seen! The other day he reached up to our table and did a chin up all the way to the top. This, however, is not a good thing 99% of the time. It typically means lots of bruises, bumps, falls, and I am expecting a short-lived crib sleeper! Hudson loves to cuddle and lay his head on your shoulder for a short two seconds. He runs to us when we get home for a big hug and he cries when we leave. He is a very happy baby but definitely needs to be entertained. He wants to go, go, go. He is still a great sleeper but early riser which gives us lots of time to play before I leave for work.

He loves to be outside, playing with cars and trains, pushing anything, and chasing Hadley. He plays peek-a-boo and is starting to dance by bouncing up and down. He does not like to sit still and isn't too fond of the car. He loves green beans, any fruit (especially pears, apples, grapes, and blueberries), hotdogs, and yogurt. He does not like cheese or bread.

We haven't had his 1 year appointment and won't for another month since we decided to choose the same doctor as the rest of Edmond! But according to our scales he weighs about 18 pounds which still puts us at about the 5th percentile. We just put on our first pair of long pants in a while and the 6-12 month jeans fell off his waist but were high-waters above his ankles so this winter we may be making an interesting fashion statement.

A few more of my favorites.

We are having a golf themed birthday party (more on that later) and took Hudson out to the golf course to get a few pictures for his invitation.

Deciding on a club.
Getting tips from daddy.

Deciding he would rather eat the ball.

Going for the hole while Hadley holds the flag.

In the hole!!!
Ok, so it didn't quite go like that but it is fun to think that's what went through his head.

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