Thursday, May 26, 2016

Last Day of School

The school year has come to an end and it was another fast year! I will miss Hudsons teachers and his classmates. He made a super sweet friend named Gunnar that is not going on to Kindergarten and I know Hudson will miss him a lot. Its also going to be incredibly hard for me to have both kids in school full time. I won't even know what to do with myself on my days off. Hudson's last day was yesterday (1 day before Hadley's). I took off work in time to get to his class party and to take him home. They had circle prayer time and I cried while listening to the sweet prayers of his teachers. We said our goodbyes to friends, took pics with friends, hugged teachers, and got in the car to head home. It was then that I looked in the backseat and saw a sad face followed by Hudson telling me he was going to "miss his teachers soooo much!" I know kindergarten will be great and I will love his teacher just as much but its definitely a sad day to leave preschool behind us!

A couple comparison pics of the first and last day of school...

Now for Hadley's last day! They had a week of dressing out of uniform with certain themes each day. The last day of school was summer wear so Hadley picked her beach shirt, white jean shorts, and sandals. Its days like this that make her wish she didn't wear uniforms. Hadley had a great year too but I think she is ready for 3rd grade. This was a tough year for her and I feel like she handled it with such grace! Hadley had a very strict teacher and we had lots of problems all year. So many of the times I felt Hadley was not at fault at all but there were other times that our social butterfly just clashed with her teachers personality. We used it as learning experience and her attitude was great the entire time. We learned to respect our teachers even if it was hard at times. And we learned that although everyone has different personalities her teacher still wanted her to do well and was a great teacher for her. I am so incredibly proud of Hadley wanting to please her teacher all the way to the end of the year. She wanted to write her notes, give her gifts, and make her happy. My heart broke many times this year when I felt like her teacher just didn't see how much she was trying. And I know her teacher loved her, she just shows it in a different way than Hadley is used to.

But in the end, we had a great 2nd grade year. She had her very best friends in her class and she loved making some new friends this year. Her reading has improved greatly this year and she is reading way above her grade level. She loves math (not as much when its timed) and really loves music and PE. She got all A's the entire year and really wasn't even close to a B. And I definitely think she is more than prepared for 3rd grade. As for now....we are ready to enjoy our summer!

First day vs. Last day....

Since Hudson had his M&M olympics Susannah offered to take hadley to lunch after school and then I planned on meeting them at Kite park (the 2nd grade meeting spot) after the olympics. Hudson and I rushed out of his gymnastics to stop at Sonic really quickly and get to the park. I guess the girls ended up having so much fun at Chick-fil-A that we beat them by about 15 minutes. Susannah sent me this picture of these sweet friends!

We played at the park for a few hours until everyone was good and sweaty. When no one could take the heat any longer we headed our separate ways. Jessica had asked me to bring Reese home since she was with Harrison. We stopped for sno cones on our way home and when I dropped Reese off she asked if Hadley could go with them to a friends house for a swim party. It took Hadley less than a second to be changed into her swimsuit and out our door. It was a pretty great day to welcome summer vacation!

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