Saturday, January 31, 2015

January Pictures

Before church each Sunday the kids love to go in the library, play with the iPads, and play with the trainset. It is a bad habit we created that now requires us to get to church 30 minutes earlier!

Starbucks date with the kids after school one day.

Just a couple pictures of Hudson and Hadley playing "mommy and daddy." Hudson had to carry the baby around and then they all got in the car (or piano dolly) to go to the grocery store.

Hadley and Hudson have LOVED having Kristin back and especially having a new baby in the house. Lennox is not hurting for any attention...and would probably love even a little less. Kristin has been awesome at sending me lots of pics whether it be the kids feeding him bottles, helping with diaper changes, carrying him around, and even pushing him in Hadley's doll stroller. They basically can't wait for me to leave for work on the days she comes!

This picture is from when Hudson first started writing his name. His teacher sent it to me while at school. In only a couple weeks time he went from this first picture to the second picture where he was writing in chalk on the driveway. He was even able to write Hadley's name with no help!

The next several pictures are just random pictures taken throughout the month. Hadley and our neighbor, Emma, matching, Hudson and his growing legs, Hadley before a soccer game, Hudson doing some silly faces, and Hadley at an ice-skating birthday party. 

We had a few great days this month that made us excited to get outside!

Hadley and her class celebrated the 100th day of school and each got to decorate a hat with 100 things. Hadley chose to tie curly ribbons to a headband. It seemed to be quite a hit with the girls!

While Hadley was at school one day, Hudson and I were playing games in the office. He was being silly and let me take a few pictures of him. They are some of my favorites in a while. I love documenting that precious smile that I never want to forget. And the belly laughs while he still thinks I'm so funny...

The most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen behind our house. I didn't have to do a single thing to the colors on this picture.

And finally....Hudson has a little crush in his class and her name is Campbell. He talks about her a lot and apparently they always want to sit by each other in class.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Hudson and his favorite dog...

Hudson is such a dog lover and he is particularly fond of Bauer. I think the fact that Bauer thrives on ANY attention makes their bond that much stronger.  Hudson can wrestle him, jump on him, chase him and Bauers tail wags the entire time. But they will also lay on the couch together with Bauers head in Hudson's lap while Hudson pets his head over and over. I took a few pictures of Hudson talking to Bauer and playing with him. I LOVE the picture right after Bauer had given him a big dog kiss!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hadley's birthday blessing

Hadley had her birthday blessing at school today for her half birthday (that's what happens with a summer birthday)! She picked out sugar cookies to take to the class and she got to fill an "about me" bag up with some of her favorite things. Towards the end of the day I met her up at school with the cookies and she couldn't wait to pass them out. She even had her own special cookie with her name on it. After everyone sang "happy birthday" they ate their cookies and then Hadley moved up to the front of the class with her bag. She pulled each item out to talk about it and for the first time in a long time I saw her get really shy. She kept wanting me to talk about the items for her. But she made it through and even made some of the kids laugh with her funny stories. After hearing all about Hadley, each kid in the class told something that they liked about Hadley. I heard lots of "she is nice to everybody" "she is funny" "she is pretty" "she has the best laugh." I would say I agree with all of them! Hadley Brooke, we love you more than you will ever know and wish you the best 1/2 birthday.  I hope you are always as sweet, kind-hearted, and funny as you are now!