Friday, August 8, 2014

My date to Chuck E Cheese

Hadley and Daddy went to the lake to spend some time with E, Tim, the kids, and Abby.  I stayed home with the dogs and Hudson decided to stay with me so we could go on a date! He got to pick and decided on none other than Chuck E Cheese. On our way there we had to get gas and he asked to help me. He always asks and we've never tried it before but this time I thought it would be fun to let him help. He did a great job and loved every second. When we got to Chuck E Cheese he decided he wanted his very own pizza. And our little eater ate every single bite! But before eating he said, "mommy, we need to pray." I asked him if he wanted to say the prayer or if he wanted me to and he said, "I big now, I can do it." Then his prayer went, "Dear God, thank you for the best mommy ever...and pizza..and toys. " Goodness...this kid can steal my heart! He was so sweet at dinner and sat so still while eating (which is not typical at all). After dinner we played games for about an hour until he thought he had enough tickets to buy the rocket he was wanting. We counted our tickets and were just a few short but he sweet talked the employee into letting him have it anyway! We were both ready to head home and watch a movie on the couch together to finish up the night. Unfortunately, he fell asleep about 10 minutes after laying down and missed most of the movie. We had a great night together! I can't wait for many more dates with this sweet boy!

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