Friday, September 30, 2016

Starz Auditions

Hadley decided she wanted to do competition dance again. We kind-of sat on the idea all summer to make sure she really did want to commit more time since its all year long. But I really don't think she ever wavered from the idea. And I was easily convinced for one reason....Hadley does not have a single friend (or close friend) with her this year. Lottie moved up into a different level and though Hadley was asked to she wasn't quite ready. She understood that doing so would require her to give up something else (basketball, softball, tumbling) and she isn't ready for that. So she decided to stay down in this competition group on her own. She was so excited to go to tryouts, meet new friends, and learn new dances. It may have been the most proud of her that I have ever been. I love that she made her own decisions and was so confident with them and herself. 

She did great at try outs. We left them there for a while to learn dances and show the instructors what they could do. After practicing for a while the parents were able to come back and watch their audition as well as join for pizza and celebrating. They were each given awards and got fitted for their new company jackets and tank tops. The ivviva crew came to the studio and did a team building exercise with them that was really fun as well. Hadley had a great night and I just smiled the whole time watching her as she made new friends. I'm so very proud of her!

The new Starz team of 2016-2017. So excited to watch these girls dance again this year!

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