Thursday, September 15, 2016

Hudson's birthday blessing

As I always say, the birthday blessings at Crossings will always be one of my favorite things about the school. With Hudson's birthday being at the beginning of school they wanted to wait until he had been in class for a few weeks. It was great because I feel like Mrs. Mercer was able to say some words about him that meant something since she had had some time to get to know his personality. Here are the kids before school. Hudson was so excited that Hadley was going to be able to get out of class and come watch the blessing. 

Mrs. Mercer saying some sweet things about Hudson and then praying over him. She talked about his precious smile, how he was always putting others first, and how he was a true knight (which got the biggest smile of all out of him). She said he is always happy in class and does his best work.

The birthday kids got to stand at the front of the classroom and help lead the worship songs with the rest of the kindergarteners.

Time to go back to class. I love that sweet Hadley wanted to be there for her brothers birthday blessing....or maybe she just wanted out of class. No, she really was excited to be there. She also loves that all the little girls in Hudson's class think she is just the coolest and smile and wave at her the whole time!

I am so glad that daddy and I have jobs where we are able to schedule off and be with our kids on their special day. It's definitely something I dont want to miss!

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