Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Resurrection parties

Hadley and Hudson both had their resurrection parties at school this week. They actually fell on different days but I combined all the pictures into one post. Here is Hudson in his cute Easter purple before his party day. I even got a couple with both the kids too...

When we got to school we saw Papa walking back out from dropping Peyton off. I was in the carpool line so Papa waited by the flagpole and asked Hudson and Hadley if he could walk them to their classes. Hudson was so excited to have his Papa with him. He even asked him to come back for his party....and Papa couldn't say no!

Hudson's party was cute as always. They said prayer, did a craft, had a yummy cookie treat, and celebrated Jesus! It was a quick party and Hudson wasn't quite ready for me to leave when it was all over. But it was time for class to start again and I told him I would hurry back to get him...

After Hudson's party I noticed Hadley was out on the playground with her friends. I surprised her by stopping outside to say "hi." I LOVE how she always gets so excited to see me, yells "mommy!!!" and runs to jump in my arms. To her, I am still one of the coolest people in the world which only makes me want to be with her as much as I possibly can!

Hadley's resurrection party was on Friday. Lolly brought her a book from her Israel trip called, "Jesus is Alive." Hadley's teacher asked her if she wanted to read it to the class at her party. It had some pretty hard words in it and we hadn't ever had a chance to read it so I was really proud of how well Hadley did when she had never seen many of the words in the book. She talked loudly (not typical of her when speaking in front of large groups) and she was so excited to be the "teacher."

Doing her craft at her Resurrection party. Such a sweet class of 1st graders. Im getting really sad that this year is coming to an end.

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