Thursday, August 18, 2016

Meet the Teacher and the 1st day of School

About a week ago the kids got their letters in the mail from their new teachers. They were so anxiously awaiting them and both seemed to be thrilled with who they got. Hadley has Mrs. Meyers and is pretty excited to have two of her best friends (Emmy and Reese) in class with her. She also has a couple new girls to the school in her class and is excited to make some new friends. Hudson has Mrs. Mercer. He doesn't really know whether he should be excited or not but she is exactly who I would pick for him! She is super fun with the kids, makes them feel so important, but is also structured and Hudson thrives on structure. He only knows a couple kids in his class but he doesn't even seem phased by that...thank goodness. 

I took off work in the morning so I could take the kids to meet their teachers. They each put on some favorite clothes and we were out the door...after taking a few pictures on the front porch. Tan skin and lighter hair gives signs of a great summer as we entered the doors of the school!

Hudson got to go to his class first. He was very nervous but immediately gave his teacher a big hug and got to work on some projects in the classroom. He had to find his name in the class, on his desk, on his locker, and write down how many times he found it. He also noticed that his teacher loves ladybugs and that they are all over the room! He met a new friend named Rhett and was so excited when his sweet friend, Campbell, came in the classroom. Hudson has no problem telling everyone that Campbell is his girlfriend and that he will marry her someday!

Hadley had her time next and I failed to get a single picture! She was with a couple friends and when I asked her for a picture they just ran off. I planned on trying again but then I totally forgot. She loved her teacher though. She has the sweetest demeanor and is exactly what Hadley needs this year. Both kids left in the greatest moods and so excited to start school tomorrow!

We laid down for bed that night and said our nightly prayers. Hudson remembered that we forgot to put his "ready confetti" under his pillows. This is a confetti package that they give the kindergarteners so it will help them sleep and get rested for school the next day. He took a picture with his baggie and though it looks like he is crying, he is actually just REALLY nervous. I, for one, was a wreck....just as I was with Hadley!!! I will never forget walking out of the school on Hadley's first day, getting in the car, and crying all the way home as I couldn't get it out of my head that I would never have these days off with her again. Now I'm doing it all over again and its with my last baby! I will have two kids in school full time. I will have days of not working where I can run errands quickly. And as great as that will be, I will miss them like crazy. I CANNOT believe how quickly this has come. 

1st day of school...

We had our cookies ready for the teachers and in their baskets. Signs were ready for pictures. Clothes and backpacks were laid out and ready. And the kids were fast asleep. I had to wake them up because even though were were in bed early, we were still in summer mode. Thankfully, when I went in to wake them up they quickly popped out of bed and couldn't wait to start getting dressed. They ate a big breakfast and we had plenty of time for some pictures! It is going to be a great day!

Look at these big kids!!!!

Hadley and I dropped Hudson off first. They really want you to make it a quick in and out so we did just that. We took a picture by his locker, at his desk, and said our goodbyes. My eyes filled up with tears as I left and I could see the nerves in his face. He gave me lots of hugs and even a few kisses (so at least he hasn't grown up too much yet!)

Next was Hadley's turn. She went straight to her desk and got to work! But I didn't miss a picture with her teacher this time. She was all smiles and excited for her day...though I did laugh when she told me she wished she wasn't sitting in between two boys!

And for the worst part of my day....I had to go to work and didn't even get to pick them up from their first day of school! Sarah Baker sent me this sweet picture of Will and Hudson giving each other hugs in the cafeteria and it made me so happy. Daddy got to pick them up and hear all about their day! And I was so excited to finally get home and hear all about their day. They love their teachers, they love their classmates, and they can't wait for tomorrow. I think its going to be a good year and I'm excited to see what all unfolds for them!

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