Monday, July 4, 2016

4th of July at the lake

Fourth of July continues to be on the top of the list for favorite holidays. There isn't a lot of pressure for getting things done, we get to spend some time at the lake, and the kids are just so happy. Lolly and Pops came to the lake, Drew and his family were in town so they came down, as well as Richard and Ryffel and their family, and Chaney and Mike with their boys. It was quite a crowd but so fun!

We spent the day of the 3rd with family... playing on all the outside, swinging, riding four-wheelers, and riding on the boat...a lot! Matt got to play captain all day taking everyone on as many tube rides as possible. The kids couldn't get enough and almost all of them are finally brave enough for their turn. Hadley and Hudson are just complete dare-devils and we can't ever seem to get them to hold up a slow down signal! More than anything though, I LOVE to hear the laughs coming from the tube when they are having so much fun!

James, Hudson, and Davis could hardly get enough. It was loud screaming coming from the tube when it was their turn!

Precious Hadley looking so grown up. It just doesn't seem right!

While we were out on the water, Ryan and Papa were back at the house cooking up a dinner of hotdogs and hamburgers. Always plenty of food!!! 

Hudson rode on the kayak for his first time ever and I was pretty amazed at how well he did guiding it all himself. And he sure didn't wear out! He was out there paddling for almost 45 minutes!

As the day was coming to an end we played inside some more for a break from the sun and then put on a movie to really relax. So fun to see them all huddled around the tv and enjoying time together. Unfortunately, a HUGE unexpected storm came through. I guess they call it "training" because the storm just kept building and building on itself and we got hit with some massive winds and flooding. Trees were breaking, water was rising, and we finally lost power. After sitting around the house with flashlights and some scared kids we finally decided to give up and head home. It added a lot of excitement to the end of our day!

Sweet Hudson was totally worn out by the end of the night!

The fourth fell on Monday this year and we had such a low-key day planned. Sloan had spent the night at our house so we woke up, got dressed, had some festive donuts, and got on the golf-cart to watch the neighborhood parade. The kids were a little disappointed we didn't participate but we had really expected to still be at the lake and had no time to decorate the golf cart. Bummer!

We made it to the pool early and were excited for all the fun festivities they had planned. The kids did a money drop where the lifeguards threw coins in the pool and they got to jump in and collect them. Hudson and Davis made out with quite a bit of money! Ryan and his family came up to swim as welll and the boys loved the money drop. Hadley and Sloan participated in the daughter/daddy race where Hadley got 2nd and Sloan got 3rd! They loved showing off their ribbons...

After swimming at the pool all day we came back to our house to play and get ready for fireworks. We quickly ended up with SEVERAL kids over and playing in Hadley's room but it was so much fun! The Fares came over to watch fireworks with us and we all had a great time...even if it didn't start until 10:30!!!! It was a crazy weekend but one to remember. Hadley and Hudson love having all the guests and I will really miss these days!

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